May 15, 2023: Our paper “Proper Losses, Moduli of Convexity, and Surrogate Regret Bounds” has been accepted by COLT2023. We establish a connection between the surrogate regret bound of a proper loss and the moduli of convexity of its (generalized) entropy.
May 3, 2023: Our paper “Unbalanced Optimal Transport for Unbalanced Word Alignment” has been accepted by ACL2023. We show the effectiveness of unbalanced optimal transport in monolingual word alignment tasks, where the null alignment ratio is high.
Sep 19, 2022: Our paper “Approximating 1-Wasserstein Distance with Trees” has been accepted by Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). For any ground metric of 1-Wasserstein distance, we proposed an approximation method with a tree metric.
Sep 17, 2022: Our paper “Robust Computation of Optimal Transport by β-potential Regularization” has been accepted by ACML2022.
May 16, 2022: Our paper “On the Surrogate Gap between Contrastive and Supervised Losses” has been accepted by ICML2022. We improve upper and lower bounds for the gap between contrastive and supervised losses and claim that larger negative samples are good for downstream classification. The earlier version is available here.
May 9, 2022: Our AISTATS2022 paper “Pairwise Supervision Can Provably Elicit a Decision Boundary” has appeared in the proceedings (link).
Apr 1, 2022: I have joined Kyoto University as an assistant professor. Feel free to visit Kyoto and contact me.
In UTokyo (until Mar 2022)
Mar 24, 2022: I finished my three year PhD in computer science and nine years life in the University of Tokyo. Also, I was fortunate to have an opportunity to be a representative graduate at the diploma presentation ceremony to make an address in the ceremony. My student life has been supported by so many great friends not only in Tokyo but also in other cities in Japan and even in overseas. I would like to appreciate everyone who has been with me!
Jan 19, 2022: Our paper “Pairwise Supervision Can Provably Elicit a Decision Boundary” has been accepted by AISTATS2022. We elucidated that pairwise supervision (i.e., information indicating whether two input vectors belong to the same underlying class) is sufficient to recover a binary decision boundary. The latest version is available here (updated on Mar 3).
May 17, 2021: We have publicized a corrigendum to our COLT2020 paper. The definition of calibrated losses is corrected and the proofs of our main results are modified.