About me

Research interests

My central focus of research is in theoretical understanding of statistical machine learning, particularly from the following perspectives.

  1. Learning theory of loss functions: Loss functions are interesting because they characterize a large portion of task properties such as adversarial robustness (COLT2020) and imbalancedness (AISTATS2020, AISTATS2021). Some task properties can be attained simultaneously by proper losses (COLT2023).
  2. Evaluation metrics of predictions and representations. Recently, I am interested in how it is possible to learn good representations via similarity in light of a downstream task (ICML2018, AISTATS2022, ICML2022).

You may have a look at the slides of my past (and slightly outdated…) talks such as this to see my tastes.


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(older news)

Upcoming travels

  • Apr 24-30: Singapore (ICLR etc.)
  • May 2-5: Phuket (AISTATS)